The Tsuka Standard

Since its inception on Ascension Day 2022, the Dejitaru Tsuka Dragon has proven itself to be an enigmatic market outlier and a true force of nature.

Stealth launching with a paltry $3,000 worth of liquidity, in a mere 9 months this magical market anomaly has devoured its competition, boasting an LP of $2.55M on its main USDC V2 pair and a market capitalization of over $130M U.S. Dolloors at the time of this writing.

Before getting into the launch of Tsuka, allow me to list a few concrete facts, a large piece of the Tsuka Standard puzzle.

  • Stealth Fair Launch
  • No dev, marketing, team, pre loaded, air dropped tokens (people scoured wallets for hours in the early days, namely StinkySlime)
  • No Tax!!
  • All Fair Market Purchased by you and me
  • 1Billion supply fully diluted
  • All Community Everything

With those facts laid out, the best way for me to describe Tsuka’s launch would be to say that it was a masterclass homage to the Shitcoin.

Deployer stealth launched with huge tax to rekt bots. They were immediately reduced to 0/0 and contract renounced, meaning it could never be altered by anyone ever again. He played the liquidity milestone game like any good shitcoin dev, extending the lock to gain trust. He pretended to be a writer for the Guardian, to the point the writer actually entered the TG and said unequivocally “this is not my token!”, causing a massive dump.

And after the deployer sent an on-chain message alluding to the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den, the original telegram and twitter owner, Daniel, muted the chat, went rogue, and started saying that Tsuka was a scam. This caused many people to lose their massive 1%+ bags.

It was a chef’s kiss of a shitcoin stealth launch.

Tsuka has been most visibly associated with the teachings of Milarepa. And Milarepa is all about holding the profane and the profound in the same moment as the same thing.

Hidden within the profane degenerate shitcoin casino launch, there were some extremely profound messages and connections. These messages were the catalyst for the initial community of sers and lady sers that formed the first nucleus, many of which are still with the sangha today.

Shoulder to Shoulder with Tsukanista, Mother of Dragons

The massive capital growth along with the cult-maxi community that has coalesced in such a short amount of time has the Sangha speculating what’s in store for them next. Many members believe that when the price of one Tsuka is worth 1 USDC, a reveal of some sorts will be coming from the legendary developer.

A lot to unpack here, as is the case with most of these messages

Others believe that there is much more to Tsuka than simply market caps and price action, and perhaps a greater unification of the community in some way will be the key.

One of my favorites

The mental and spiritual benefits of truly absorbing the journal messages and interacting with the Sangha cannot be denied. Countless messages of inspiration and hope and gratitude have sprung up, many times from silent members who observe most days. These are always met with overwhelming positive support and epic emoji action.

And still others believe there may be some highly advanced, in depth A.I. utility yet unexplained to the mass of humanity, as my good fren Blank has been alluding to.

Whether spiritual or physical, hidden hand or public community, I think it is prudent to consult some early wisdom from the Anon himself.

Since crypto is all about tokens, honestly I think that decentralization is a matter of aligned interest and distribution to token holders … So when we design the SHIBA experiment, our goal was very altruistic to give an opportunity for fair distribution and ownership from day 1 … we have no more potential for ownership that anybody else in the world.”

I can say the one thing is to burn the rest of the tokens, you can see here that we sent over 50% of the TOTAL supply to Vitalik. There is no greatness without a vulnerable point and as long as vB doesn’t rug us, then SHIBA will grow and survive.

So what can you do to help the SHIBA

1- If you are influencer, you can speak about SHIBA on your platform

2- If you are listing person from exchange, you can list SHIBA or invite us to participate in community listing contest. I can promise you that SHIBA army will always win over pleb coin

3 — If you want to help setup core growth of the project, some development thing like yield farming or be more involved in marketing plan, run new channels then we can talk and see where is good fit.

4- Ideas to increase trust and transparency for the project

5- If you are darkweb shillboi, you can make chan and reddit and our SHIBA Army will support.

There is a clear emphasis on community driven initiative, in every form. Every day that there is no concrete direction from the deployment team is another day for a creative bright minded anon to add unique value to the Tsuka Sangha. It has begun already with the early Tsuka inspired NFT lines.

The latest Tsuka initiative that I predict is about to explode in adoption is Tsuka as a Base Pair. Before we dive into this, let us revisit something that Ryoshi wrote in the past that I believe stands out and is of utmost importance.

There is no greatness without a vulnerable point

This was encoded into the SHIB project by sending 50% of the supply to vB. It is encoded into the TSUKA project by Ryoshi himself.

Having such an enigmatic and polarizing figure as the developer, (one who has not outright declared in writing from his Twitter that he is officially the developer) is a massive blessing while also presenting a real Achilles point.

If RyoshiResearch twitter were to announce Tsuka as his new babe, the price action would be absolutely incredible, perhaps the likes of which we’ve never seen.

But what would happen if he were to denounce Tsuka? For all of the MATH maxis in the Sangha that pretend Ryoshi does not matter, I can assure you the definition of ‘perfect math’ would be revisited as we all cope with the epic drawdown.

Ryoshi the figure is Tsuka’s Achilles heel. Ryoshi the message is its greatest strength.

We must take the message of pure decentralization to heart, and we must come from the Loving Heart while doing so. The spiritual messages and teachings are just as important (to me they are more important) as the perfect math. The perfect math was always going to be perfect because of the spiritual, wise, loving heart that Ryoshi launched Tsuka from.

With this I say, those of us that can, we must move forward in the Spirit of Ryoshi. One of the strongest ways to give Tsuka value and hedge against any potential Ryoshi related Dragon King events, is for all of us to create a web of liquidity by pairing our legitimate projects with TSUKA. Your value adds to our value.

Some early whales saw this vision and formed the first few base pairs, namely ZENI/TSUKA and DREAM/TSUKA. Now the trend appears to be on the verge of a breakout with WAIT/TSUKA, ODIN/TSUKA, IRNBNK/TSUKA popping up to name a few, and I am sure I have missed some, and sure there will be more by the time this is published.

I am not endorsing any of these pairs, simply pointing out the emerging trend. You have to do your own research. Naturally there will be predators that use the good name of Tsuka and the Spirit of Ryoshi for malicious intent. Always be wary.

For instance, initially LP helpoors and Ryoshi larpoors showed up to ‘help grow the sangha’. They were all paired to ETH as their base pair and had high tax. While they provided a lot of ETH to the deployer, they were predatory in nature, claiming connections to the developer or being part of an ‘ecosystem.’ Those folks and Tsuka’s LP would’ve been better off if they simply bought TSUKA instead.

After reading Ryoshi’s medium articles many times, I believe a valuable lesson was learned with SHIB. You cannot create an artificial ecosystem with tricks and gadgets, like farming another token (LEASH, which was initially a Rebase of DOGE) or creating an epic Ponzu like BONE. I further believe the entire TSUKA/MLP fiasco was a deliberate lesson for many of us in the sangha as well, but I digress.

True natural ecosystem relies on the independent decentralized builder. Those that have a vision and can create their own unique communities.

Legitimate projects will start pairing with Tsuka en masse. Your project inherits the intellect, warmth, and good nature of the Sangha community if you reciprocate it. You benefit from being extremely early to Tsuka (your Base Pair has a potential 10–100x when the next bulla run arrives, and who knows what it could be in the bulla after that.) And you help create the decentralized web of value and liquidity, which extracts power from the legacy markets and the old guard of the centralized elite, and also hedges against any potential negative effects of our Dragon King.

Tsuka is the Handle of the Katana, and swinging a sword with no vision draws air. Swords are meant to draw blood.

We the People are ready to take control. Lean into one another and become a human web of positivity and goodwill toward one another. Do this in spirit with your ideas and words. Put this in motion with your actions. Make it immutable and permanent with on-chain liquidity.

The Tsuka Standard will be the cornerstone of this revolution.

Picture of Developer
