An Ode to Our Dragon

Tsuka is not normal.

Those lucky enough to notice this on day 1 have become eternal holders, prepared to ride the dragon far past $1.

But of those who haven’t, there’s two types left.

Those who will hear the call, and those who will fade.

“There will be many attacks from those that fear the revolution” — Ryoshi

Impure souls cannot taint what is already perfect — showcased is a case study of the forces at work behind the scenes. Not to convince you, but to open a conversation and implore you to dig with us.

This one, on June 9th: 2 weeks from launch when Tsuka was at 250K-300K market cap

It starts with when (WALLET 1):


an old wallet active since early 2017, entered Tsuka with 2 transactions.

6000 USDC for 14,147,096 Tsuka



3000 USDC for 5,659,715 Tsuka


At 250K market cap, this is a significant buyer! Some noticed, but most of us paid no attention, other than noticing some of the wallet holdings (3.5M+ in assets & positions)

Big holdings, but after some time, people investigated into where the money that he put into Tsuka came from. Shortly before buying Tsuka, he made

a casual withdrawal of a 219 ETH Curve liquidity position, consisting of


A 650K CRV token withdrawal:

A 265.5 Eth withdrawal, consisiting of [BANCOR, WETH, & LINK][:

just within 2 days of buying Tsuka.

After buying, he continued along his normal trading patterns — executing 7+ figure swaps & providing enormous liquidity positions through CRV- Just like he was doing before he bought tsuka…

Actually, Tsuka was the only time he ever broke his pattern of high liquidity / trades, even for the throughout dating all the way back to 2017…

Here’s a list of the main tokens he’s interacted with (see full trading history here:

  • CRV
  • FXS
  • CVX
  • ETH
  • BNT
  • LINK

All extremely high liq coins in which large positions were taken…

We thought that was all for this whale, as he never moved his tokens since then, but then a certain pattern of buys led us right back to this whale wallet:

A new wallet, Wallet 2 (0xba305585e47fc8778592e12bcc5dec8ab0e1673d,]

(Linked with wallet 1 in this transaction:

bought over $91,000 in Tsuka over 6 transactions, 1,000,000 Tsuka each.

First, a series of transactions from 700K market cap to 1.7M market cap






These buys propelled us through this market cap range with ease.

Then, 1 32,000 USD transaction from 2.7M — 4.2M market cap.


As seen on the chart, it also propelled us up to a near-ATH of 4.2M market cap:

Links to all here:

Frenly diamond hand whale, never selling & breaking resistances for us… interesting.. but what’s next?

We’ll have to see what they do. there are a few more wallets connected to this bundle that would likely be the same person, and may put in some serious buys in the future as well- only time will tell. But the Sangha swim with the whales.

As with Tsuka, the alpha is there. It is up to you to dig into the rich history of this token & its transactions to truly understand what this token may actually be. Nobody knows. Our community, the Tsuka Sangha, are living & experiencing this as an event on the daily, releasing from the normal havoc of the shitcoin world and finding peace in something simpler, something pure- a breath of fresh air.

“Remember this is a battle. To the victor goes the spoils. In order to be victorious it requires: Courage, strength, endurance, compassion, empathy, sympathy, and we must put our egos on the shelf, our heart on our sleeves but most importantly our minds,our minds must unite.

Our destination is ordained. We have favor. Stay pure and humble in your intentions but bold in your actions.” — Ryoshi

Picture of Developer
