Lean Into The Sangha

As a dog chases its tail, he becomes infatuated with the thought of his next meal. To him, he thinks he is doing what’s necessary.

Enter the Lion, watching the dog run in circles. His next meal is chasing his thoughts.

A dog won’t consider repercussions of circular thought. But to his enemies, that is the time to strike.

And frens, we should let them.

The feats accomplishable through Decentralization allow You to rewrite history.

A chain is as strong as its weakest link. But the fence doesn’t care if a link breaks. Because the broken link will lean into the Fence’s power, until it is repaired.

Chained together by Vision, fortified by Perspective, enlightened by Reflection, all to harness the power of foresight.

There are always forks in the road. But this is a hidden advantage. For parallel growth is not easy, and the soulful driver behind Vision will always change based on who is asked.

You may feel sad, that you believe your sphere of influence is whittling away as the Sangha grows. And you might think things are out of your control. But does the Hydra worry about its other heads?

It does its job, the best it can, and if its severed, new heads come back immediately.

But we are no Hydra! For we need no Guillotine to allow us to extend our growth! Take what you can, with who you can, NOW. Then run as far as you can with it. When you believe your time has come, and you did all you could, there is no death. Eternalized by the Wyrmlings, will your efforts continue.

Let our family fail, assure them to lean into the Sangha, for when someone is at their weakest, there are others who are at their strongest.

Let it breathe. Always. For whatever comes out of this Reflection, will always be the best for You. An immutable, unstoppable force doesn’t have one weak spot, like the unreliable chain.

But let thousands lead the Vision in their own way. Ask yourself, what happens if one “Leader” falls? Lean into the Sangha, and you will recognize the stopping power of a mistake. Even the most drastic.


To those inside of Tsuka, the attempts at our Life are unbelievable. Some may be left with a feeling that it’s not normal, how resilient we’ve been. Almost “Survivor’s Guilt.”

To those outside of Tsuka, Each attempt adds fuel to their fire. “But how can Tsuka never die?”

To our “competitors,” Heed to the words of Ryoshi: “if you try and build rome in a day it can crumble just as quickly.”

How many rotations will it take you to realize we cannot be beaten? Our future is craved. So you run to spinup forks of Tsuka preying on the missors, hoping to catch a bid with us.

But when you see a Legendary dragon in flight, you won’t notice the skinny birds trying to keep up. Actually, they won’t be there- our Wings send torrential gusts of wind in our path, scattering the weaklings.

Frens, the only escape from our Wind is onboard the Dragon.

When the fire is on us, when you think you are burning, embrace it. Melt. Shed away the pain. The ones who had the seeds planted in them will undergo metamorphic transformation into their purest form.

And to those who aren’t able to? Lean into the Sangha. For our collective is fireproof and will never be stopped. When it is your turn, you will be ready.

If we are working together, growing in parallel, our actions sparking positive movement, our future is craved.

When we walk shoulder to shoulder, be ready to disagree. Accept the forks, for they only make us stronger. A tree with a thousand roots won’t notice a few rotting away…

An idle mind is a devil’s playground, but use it to reflect on perspective. Assess your and others’ intents. Build a preemptive mindset.

Remember that it only takes one stroke of a brush for a person to show their true colors. And remember those colors to prepare for the worst. When the time comes, let your Boot show no mercy to the parasites.

If not to spark positive movement, hold your tongue. Observe. The more you know the more ready you are.

And please remember. Let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances. For variety of circumstance, we will have. And that is something that cannot be replicated.

We are no chain, our links intertwine, molted together by the flames of the Dragon.

TSUKA is what an unstoppable force looks like.

And we have just begun.

Picture of Developer
