unmasking dejitaru tsūka

At first glance Dejitaru Tsuka (TSUKA) might seem like just another meme coin, but there is quite a lot going on with it. The developer behind TSUKA is sitting in the shadows making well thought out transactions with messages to whoever decides to pay attention. And shockingly they show that he’s a well known anonymous figure in the space known as Ryoshi, who created one of the most popular cryptocurrencies of all time- SHIB. At the same time there is a community that is constantly researching, spreading knowledge, and building utility around the token. While researching this project I realized it needs a current-day overview. This is my attempt to do so, focusing on verifiable facts and speculation that I believe is important, along with my thoughts on it all. Much of the research i’ve presented has been found by a community of researchers which includes myself. I’ve included many links and tried to credit people where I could.
Disclosure: I own TSUKA therefore I have a vested interest in this project. This medium is not financial advice. Do your own research and verify the information for yourself before buying the token. I have presented the information to the best of my knowledge.

What is Dejitaru Tsuka and why does it matter?

Dejitaru Tsuka (TSUKA) was launched on May 26, 2022 in the following transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xeb481910a95ed2d2ee863393518eeff2f0151bc2ca82488396e5a5179644225f
It is an ERC20 token or “coin” on the Ethereum Blockchain, divisible to 9 decimal places with a total supply of 1 billion tokens. Shortly after launch the entire TSUKA supply was pooled on Uniswap with nearly $3,000 worth of USDC provided by the developer themselves: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xaf89c4be56185c06b920ee148a13fe701ff266c7b1ca1f36a6bbbd6359a31384
The TSUKA token has:
  • a fixed supply of 1 billion tokens
  • all tokens circulating
  • zero taxes on buys, sells, or transfers
  • no developer or team allocation
  • no presale investors or insiders
  • no token unlocks
  • a renounced contract

TSUKA is truly a decentralized currency. All tokens are circulating. Every holder has purchased TSUKA fair and square off the market or received them from someone who did. There are no presale investors or venture capitalists who got tokens for a cheaper price. There are no token unlocks that may cause a drop in the price. The only person that can “dump” tokens on you is someone who bought fair and square. The contract is renounced so the developer cannot rug, ever. The token is 15 months old and well established, its code has been vetted, and the community (aka the Tsuka Sangha) has been tried and tested.

Tsuka is a breath of fresh air in the wild west of cryptocurrency that is full of pump and dumps, rugs, developers dumping their tokens for “development of the project”, ponzi games, and casino tokens. Financial freedom in crypto is great but at this point many have been hurt by so called influencers moving from one token to the next week by week and dumping on their followers. Many have been hurt by CeFi products that lost customer funds in various ways like Celsius, Voyager, FTX, and BlockFi. The TSUKA token is a safe haven and enables everyone interested in decentralized finance to build DeFi around it. And the price action is as strong as the community of holders wants it to be.

The TSUKA website was registered on May 24, 2022. And it was archived on May 29, 2022: https://web.archive.org/web/20220529111036/https://www.dejitarutsuka.io/

The website has remained mostly unchanged, only adding community links to twitter, telegram, etc. since then. It was last updated on August 4, 2023. You can see the dragon coin logo and a quote. The logo was shared in its highest quality by the dev. on June 1, 2022 in a self-send transaction. You can see the message to the links for the images by clicking “Click to show more” then “View Input As UTF-8”: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd88776be98c2a9c19890cb1bb9614b9b3b1257022bb11972284f8525a540ce75

Many people view TSUKA as a dragon meme coin but the supply of 1 billion is that of a DeFi coin. Meme coins generally have a much higher supply, in the trillions or quadrillions.
The pure tokenomics of TSUKA enable the community to build real DeFi around the token. DeFi initiatives are community funded and community led. A multisig wallet has collected money for said initiatives at the current address: https://etherscan.io/address/0x2bbd4574f4174ab71db5837a3c17ea32391c27d2 Two NFT projects Meditating Monks and Crypto Monx direct proceeds to the multisig. They allow the community to identify themselves as holders with a pfp NFT while funding the multisig.
A trading dapp called Uruloki is set to release on September 30, 2023. It will have limit orders, be MEV resistant, and the transaction fees collected will be used to buy TSUKA. This will put a constant buy pressure on the token. The tokens will then be used to increase liquidity or burnt. Projects that decide to pair with TSUKA will be added to a leaderboard of top trading activity and gain attention of the Tsuka community. Other initiatives TsukaWorld and TsukaAlliance are being built by the community. A teaser for TsukaWorld can be seen here. A summary for TsukaAlliance can be found here. It will allow contributors with varying expertise on things such as meditation and holistic wellness to educate and collaborate. Anyone interested in getting involved with building DeFi around TSUKA can do so at anytime, guiding things like Uruloki in a direction they see best fit.
The developer has suggested they are building alongside the community, alluding to a new chain being built. But it’s unclear what exactly what it would be. Their moves are slow, meticulous, and mysterious. I start to discuss them in the next section.
Ryoshi Before I go further, I have to introduce Ryoshi. Ryoshi is an anonymous and enigmatic figure that many in the cryptocurrency space are familiar with. Who they are is unclear, but I will be referring to them as he or they for simplicity. In 2020 they launched a meme coin called SHIB with about $3,500 in liquidity and no presale, no dev. wallets. It has a supply of 1 quadrillion coins and 50% of the supply was sent to Vitalik Buterin for attention and awareness of the coin. It is a coin with one of the highest rate of returns in crypto of all time and currently sits at a 5 billion market cap, the 14th largest cryptocurrency. Ryoshi stopped tweeting on May 29, 2021, and his last medium post came on the same day. A year later on May 30, 2022 he deleted all his tweets and likes and unfollowed everyone. He deleted his Medium which had many articles. He changed his twitter profile picture to Milarepa and his banner to a waxing crescent moon over a cloud on a starry night. Milarepa is one of the most famous persons in Tibetan Buddhism. His story is one of redemption from a murderer to a Buddhist disciple. Ryoshi’s pfp change indicates he’s on a new path in life, or at minimum a fan of Milarepa’s story.
Ryoshi’s twitter profile before May 30, 2022
Ryoshi’s twitter profile change
Since Ryoshi’s disappearance, many cryptocurrencies are claimed to have been created by him. When you spend time to research them yourself the evidence is unclear and many times relies on word of mouth or lies. They are just looking to make a buck off of his name. Many people have bought into TSUKA after seeing that Ryoshi is thought to be the developer. Many holders are still unsure if he is the developer, and some don’t care either way. I will try to clear things up and outline some of the most important proofs in the next section. You will see why in my eyes it is obvious and undeniable. It is a greater leap of faith that he didn’t create TSUKA than that he did. This poses a problem for the other “Ryoshi” coins as the Tsuka deployer has made it clear they have only been on two journeys. In this case that would be with the SHIB ecosystem and TSUKA.

Research Around The Tsuka Deployer

Since day 1 the developer of TSUKA has sent messages in transactions from the Tsuka deployer address. The first message is show below, sent on May 26, 2022 at 11:55 pm +UTC. Remember this message and the time it was posted.
First deployer message
On May 28, 2022, the deployer sent a transaction of 0.000001143 ETH to censoredcollection.eth with the following image:
Tsuka deployer image
This image relates to a dynamic NFT you can view at https://censored.art/clock. It is a collaboration between Censored NFT Collection, AssangeDAO, and digital artist Pak. AssangeDAO raised over $55 million worth of ETH to purchase the NFT. This money was raised to help restore Julian Assange’s freedom. This image seems to have stopped updating after 5 months on July 7, 2023 for reasons i’m unsure of.
To date only 11 images have been linked by the deployer in transaction messages. Why this image on this date? Well, the dynamic NFT looked like this the day the image was sent. The next day it read 1144. More importantly, there are many dates given for Milarepa’s purported birth and death date. 1143 is one of them: https://encyclopedia.summitlighthouse.org/index.php/Milarepa
Ryoshi changed his twitter profile picture to Milarepa 2 days later on May 30, 2022. This 1143 transaction was a very well thought out frontrun of the profile pic change, suggesting that Ryoshi is the developer behind TSUKA. Now for the name of Dejitaru Tsuka (TSUKA) itself. Digital Currency translated into Japanese is Dejitaru Tsuka.
Digital currency translation
Tsuka is also the name for a Katana sword’s handle. But more importantly, Tsuka is a cipher for Tsangyon Heruka, the author of The Life of Milarepa.
Tsuka deployer image
This cipher came days before Ryoshi’s profile pic change in another very well thought out frontrun. On June 11, 2022 the deployer referenced Tsangyon in a transaction message that reads “Tsangyon is right. If you listen.” 0.0001052 ETH was sent in the self send transaction. 1052 is one of years Milarepa is thought to have been born.
These frontruns alone are enough to bring about FOMO buyers of TSUKA. But with that comes FUD. Some have called these frontruns coincidence or that someone knew ahead of time Ryoshi was going to change his twitter profile picture to Milarepa. And that the Tsuka dev. used this information to create a coin in Ryoshi’s name for their own benefit. People still suggest this, and even cause current holders to be unsure if Ryoshi is behind TSUKA. But this coin is 15 months old now and Ryoshi has had ample time to dispute TSUKA via twitter. The truth is there are many more reasons suggesting Ryoshi created TSUKA. I will outline them below. They should remove all


For reference I’ve included many important links here. Some of these have already been mentioned above. As time goes on the correct links may change. Make sure to double check to see if they are still accurate.
Official website: dejitarutsuka.io
Community Links:
TsukaWorld Twitter: https://twitter.com/TsukaWORLD
Recently i’ve had a desire to share my knowledge, research, and thoughts. So expect more articles on TSUKA, cryptocurrency, and other topics in the future.
I don’t expect anything but I created an Ethereum address for donations at: 0xef6b5268D340CeF7a149085e44480c07771fe453
Picture of Developer
