Tsuka Is The Counterbalance To The Growing Darkness In The Crypto World


Namaste Tsuka Sangha,

The purpose of this medium post is a call to action specifically, to our fellow Sangha members. As you are aware, crypto has been under incessant attack by the dark forces who wish to exert control over crypto and the financial markets.

Back in May, the crypto markets were in shock with the death spiral of $UST. Many people were caught unaware and lost their life savings overnight. People were tweeting suicidal thoughts on crypto twitter and some tragically committed suicide over the Terra Luna debacle. There were allegations that this was a setup by BlackRock, Citadel and other powerful institutions who sought to crash the market and buy them up at dirt cheap prices.

Governments too, through their overreach have failed to promote the best interests of Crypto. We saw this again with Tornado cash and how the US government criminalized innovation that guards our privacy. Crypto founders are also directly working with and funding the swamp together with the Central Bankers.

It is in Central bankers’ interest that crypto decentralization fails and we urgently need to fight this as a community.

Chapter 1: The problem

Well known Crypto personalities like co -founder of popular Crypto Exchange FTX and Alameda Research, Sam Bankman Fried (SBF) have been accused of market manipulation causing cascading liquidations and bullying crypto start-ups. The founder of the Waves blockchain, Sasha Ivanov, accused Alameda Research of manipulating the price of WAVES and organizing FUD campaigns to trigger further panic selling. Founders like SBF are in cahoots with the policymakers even promising to spend up to $1 billion dollars in 2024 US elections, backing the Democratic Party.

The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) under the guise of “protecting consumers” is protecting the interest of Central Banks. As soon as the Ethereum Merge successfully transitioned from PoW to PoS, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler immediately called for “extra scrutiny over proof of stake”. In his own words “Proof of Stake” cryptos could be investment contracts that subject them to securities regulation. The SEC, time and time again has refused more than a dozen Bitcoin spot ETF applications but have approved several bitcoin futures-based ETFs. Why? Think shorts. Think control.

To make matters worse, US President Joe Biden with his clean energy bill, using the cover of “climate change” is trying to demonize Bitcoin mining. President Biden and the White House sent shockwaves through the Bitcoin community with an announcement toying with the idea of a potential ban on proof-of-work mining, the very essence of what gives Bitcoin its power. In fact, Bitcoin is unmentioned on the 20-page statement on digital assets from the Biden administration. What is clearly mentioned in the paper is “A potential U.S. CBDC that could also help preserve U.S. global financial leadership and support the effectiveness of sanctions”. The document also stated that digital assets pose meaningful risks for consumers, investors, and businesses while “a US Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) has the potential to offer significant benefits.”.

CBDCs are how the 99% of population will be enslaved. It will be your bank account, driver license, medical insurance, vaccine status, property access, employment, education, and identity wrapped all in one. Make no mistake, these ideas come from a dark place.

A true decentralized system is very difficult to take over because of its distributed nature. They may try but like a child on the beach trying to stop the waves from reaching the shore, they will fail. We cannot expect any help from these so-called Government Agencies acting on behalf of their Central Bankers and WEF masters. We now know they are NOT our friends.

Chapter 2: The Solution

The time has come for the light warriors of the Sangha to unite and to overcome these forces of darkness. The Yogi’s knew that the origin of an idea comes from the invisible world before its executed in the visible. Good and bad must exist on the earth plane. If a person has chosen darkness, his ideas and influences will be predatory, manipulative and regressive. On the other hand, if a person chooses the light he will bring life, joy, peace and progress.

The best way to fight darkness is with Light. Which is why I am proposing a regular and coordinated Golden Light meditation session for our Sangha. The power of meditation and visualization has been validated by Enlightened Masters of many traditions. Meditation has been found to calm the nervous system, helps build grey matter in the frontal cortex, which is associated with working memory and executive decision making and enhances compassion. Meditation acts on a very deep, subconscious level and if done in a large group brings tremendous results. For manifesting our desires, the power of golden light meditation/visualization can help us to reach our desired state. It may not be immediate, but it sets forth the invisible forces in its path of manifestation.

This is how Tsuka and its Sangha will act as a counterbalance to the cabal.

By mass meditation we can with our energies increase the light in the cryptospace. As more of our brothers and sisters of the Sangha radiate light, the more this space will be removed of its darkness.

Whether you are a Hindu or Muslim, Buddhist or Christian is irrelevant.

As long you are willing to stand on the side of Good. We want you.

In various religious texts, light is compared to a higher good. In fact, some refer to it as God itself.

Here are a few examples of Light in relation to God in various religions.

The human body is the temple of God. One who kindles the light of awareness within gets true light. The sacred flame of your inner shrine is constantly bright. The experience of unity is the fulfillment of human endeavors. The mysteries of life are revealed. — (Rig Veda)

Within and without the three spheres of the universe, only the Tao is most revered.
From the Tao I receive the subtle Golden Light to envelop and protect my body and soul.
It is so subtle that it cannot be seen or heard.
The subtle Golden Light permeates heaven, earth and me.
It nourishes and educates all life. -Taoist Golden Light Invocation

Therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. (Mathew 6.22)

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. -Book of Genesis

“Be your own light.”- Buddha’s last words

Allah is referred to as An-Noor , The One who illuminates and reveals the divine light of all the worlds. His light illuminates the heart and provides clarity and guidance. Anyone who turns their back to the true light will be in darkness. — 99 names of Allah

The colours of the rainbow Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet corresponds to our chakras. We have 7 main chakras or the 7 Seals from the base of the spine to the fontanelle (top of the head). The first chakra is red and seventh is violet. Generally Violet is regarded as the highest and most spiritualists work with this colour but even higher than Violet is Gold. It is the color of the highest realms. As per the Taoist Golden light invocation it comes straight from the Tao, the most revered. Tibetan Saint Milarepa, ascended Holy Mount Kailash using the Sun’s Golden rays. Gold is a condensed form of sunlight and therefore Gold is linked directly to the Sun, the most important Luminary in our solar system without which we cannot survive. It is interesting to note as well that Tsuka’s logo is a Golden Dragon.

Chapter 3: Final Thoughts

Tsuka’s existence stems from Ryoshi’s brush with darkness. Ryoshi was the anonymous founder of the highly popular meme coin, Shiba Inu. All of a sudden on 30th May2022, he deleted all his twitter posts and left Shiba. The question that arises is why?

One of the reasons is a possible fallout with some of the Shiba devs. Recently, Shiba devs have been accused of minting tokens an hour before Shibaswap went live and then continuously dumping on their community. One thing is clear with the Shib devs is that they have given themselves to the darkness that made Ryoshi leave his own project. He mentioned in his Tsuka onchain messages that “Old leaders have become drunk on power, greed, selfishness, and their sphere of influence has strayed away from the core roots of what got us there. They claim to still be in contact. They use my influence or old power they say in ways that is not righteous”. Another Ryoshi onchain message worth looking is “I came here (Tsuka) for refuge as I was not safe were I rested my head (Shiba inu). Please understand I still love you all”. Was he afraid his own devs would doxx him? Was this the reason he created Dejitaru Tsuka? Why would anyone leave their own project? Desperation? Fear? Maybe both.

Tsuka is the best choice to be the people’s money. Tsuka had no presale, no dev wallet, no tax and a renounced contract. It is the epitome of decentralization.

Tsuka meets the characteristics of money. It is secured by Ethereum Blockchain. It is durable, portable, uniform, and limited in supply.

Through our regular and coordinated Golden light meditation we can as a community bring Tsuka past $1. The Golden light meditation not only helps in manifesting desires but also heals, protects and guides. It is good for our wellbeing as well as our environment. Tsuka is an experiment that allows you to create your relationship with it, whatever be your faith.

By increasing the value of Tsuka, many will flock to the Sangha. Many will be here only for the money, but many, I believe will join the sAngha as warriors of light and reignite their faith.

Like how Milarepa used the ray of light to ascend Mount Kailash, may we through Milarepa’s blessing and by our meditation, raise our own vibration and that of our Sangha.








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